As much as ‘“dining well” is important for us, it is so for the pups. Nothing goes right if a balanced amount of nutrition is avoided. Yes, Dogs too cannot think well, love well and sleep well if you neglect the diet they require for their wellbeings. From their normal day to feeds to the extra vitamins and supplements; all need to be monitored to keep them hale and hearty!

This needs a quick brush-up of the requirements that their anatomy demands. So, here we have provided quick mentation for you by making some of the prominent dietary information as plain as possible keeping in mind the wellness of your doggies!

  1. The Prerequisites:

Just like the human body, the canids also have the basic body needs on which their meals have to be organically distributed. They are the fundamentals that set their functioning into harmony. These are:

  • Water 

  • Vitamins

  • Fats

  • Carbs

  • Proteins

 Generally, two days a meal is the recommendation from the veterinarians. The quantity depends on the size of the dog-giant, large, medium, or toy!  There always is a guideline for the quantity of the meal size to be served to your dogs but always consult a dog nutritionist for the same because different breeds have different requirements and even the same breed can have different wants as per their individual choices.

  1. The Alerts:

  • If given more than the requirement, milk can be a cause of diarrhea for your pet.

  • Always remember that nothing replaces water, not even milk!

  • Avoid the itsy-bitsy bones- can choke their throats!

  • Make sure that the food you serve them is not undercooked. Raw food (eggs, fish, or meat ) is a no for them. 

  • A big No-No to sweets! Righto! They are highly toxic in canine nutrition. Please avoid them strictly.

  1. The  Supplements:

Introducing your pooch to the supplements is not a bad idea. They can fill the gaps that are left in spite of having nutritious-full meals and can treat the body damage of your dogs if there are any. Apart from this, these can also boost their immunity.  The notable ones are:

  • Omega-rich fish oils are the immunity and brain functioning boosters! We all are aware of the skin benefits that fishes possess and so these are good for the skin and bone health of pups!

  •  CBD Steak Bite Pet Treats are the recent vogue to relax and boost immunity for your Fidos! All you need to check is that they have zero THC levels and are naturally processed. Having many more aiding qualities, these supplements also fulfill the taste desires of your doggo!

  • Probiotics come in many forms, capsules, powder, dog food products, and many more forms. They help in better digestion and intestinal working.

#Caution: Select the dog treats with a thorough observance over your whelp and discussion with the vet! Striking the right balance between the two is the key to your happy-pet life!


Getting hold of the right diet book requires a lot of experimentation and innumerable variations can be tried. Even the nutritionist are working over it. Club our specially crafted pet steak bites that are prepared with explicit care for our man’s best friend at



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